Morning Motivation
Morning Motivation A no fail way to approach your day. Are you in a motivational funk? How badly would you love to shift your mindset and energy to a more grateful, happy and positive one? How awesome would it be to feel more patient, more content and free? Would you love to feel motivated for the rest of the day and have continued energy throughout your day? All it takes is 3 small steps, 20-30 minutes per day and 3 weeks of commitment to get your good habits in place. Are you ready? No excuses. Zero time to procrastinate. Just commit to YOURSELF as YOU deserve to feel better than you do now, am I right?? STEP ONE Pick your time slot. Does early morning suit when everyone is still in bed asleep? After kids have breakfast? Or after school morning drop off? Remember you’re allocating 20-30 minutes of your time which is a tiny snapshot of a part of your day. Commit to the time and stick to it. For me, I like to get it done early around 7am. Get it done and then I’m ready to work full steam ahead for the rest of the morning and day. I’m calmer and happier and not to mention loads more motivated! Once you have a time set, set your alarm or calendar reminder so you don’t put it off and then 5 minutes passes and then 15 minutes passes and next thing you know 2 hours has passed and you’ve lost your mojo. STEP TWO Decide what exercise suits you best? What are you going to do with your 20-30 minutes? Jump on your bike and go for a ride or head out for a walk or jog if you have a hubby or someone home to care for the kids if that’s an issue. Can you download a Yoga video or App? Or perhaps a lounge room or backyard workout? There’s loads of tips and tricks online to help you with home based workouts. They don’t need to be complicated! What about a dance workout or video? They are always fun and usually keep the kids happy too. The best workouts are simple, get your heart pumping and leave you feeling accomplished at the end. STEP THREE REWARD YOURSELF! Have something to look forward to. Pick something you love that can be also part of your new daily healthy habit! A good coffee? Perhaps a good iced coffee? A green smoothie? A smoothie or açai bowl? Ningxia Red Shot (my fave!)? Cold glass of water with fresh lemon or lime and a drop of Young Living Peppermint essential oil? Home made granola? A yummy bliss ball? ANYTHING that you can stick with daily, then pop that on your list and create that habit. There you go. THREE small steps. Schedule the rest of your day. For this 20-30 minutes, the washing, dishes and house can wait. If you’re juggling kids, give yourself a few weeks of hard work letting them know you are not to be interrupted and you’ll reap the rewards. My kids get 30 minutes of TV time while I do my workout. They usually last 15-20 before they pop in, but don’t dare interrupt me significantly. They are told flat out why mummy needs her exercise and to let me have my time. They know it makes me a happier Mummy. Plus I’m way more motivated for the rest of the day and more efficient at EVERYTHING else you tackle. You think clearer and you are more patient. Make it happen. Stick with it. Pick your time and your jam. Let’s get started! Mumma O xÂ