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Learn About Low-tox Life from Mumma O

Do you want to learn how I make all of my delicious treats?

Or learn what oils I use and why I use them?

Join me at one of my regular workshops where I show people how to make delicious goodies and how to mix and use various oils to help eliminate toxic chemicals from your homes.

Essential Oils Workshops

My next workshops are all about essential oils.

Join us for a fun and informative evening learning about how to reduce chemicals in your home and stay well this winter using natural essential oil based products.
We will have a low-tox cleaning spray for each guest PLUS loads of refined sugar free and gluten free Mumma O healthy treats for nibbles.
I’ll have some Thieves tea and cough drops for you to try.

There will be both Friday evening and Sunday afternoon sessions, and all are welcome.
Please invite your friends and bring them along.
Please fill out the details below to let me know how many people will be attending. If you'd like more information you can contact me through either Facebook or my Contact page.

If you’re wondering why I may of invited you, we have just moved back to Noosa and hitting the ground running to get my business (Mumma O) established and would appreciate any support.
Thank you 🙏🏻❤️

Which event would you like to attend?

Thanks for registering!

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