Spring has sprung! Time to clean!
I never used to get so excited about cleaning the house or Spring Cleaning like I do now.
I love the fresh smell of my house when I’m in the midst of making a mess before some sort of order is restored. I spray everything with my Thieves Household Cleaner Concentrate diluted into a spray bottle. It smells like clove and cinnamon, a little like Christmas. Would you believe that 15ml mixed into a 500ml spray bottle works out at just $1.40? How cheap is that!!??!
You cannot buy home brand chemical laiden Spray and Wipe for that, let alone low tox, essential oil based cleaning spray.
Below I’ve tacked on some of my most favourite recipes for cleaning around the house using Thieves Household Cleaner (THC).

This is the only cleaning product under my kitchen sink now and I’m proud! It feels so good to not blow $30 a pop at the supermarket on cleaning supplies. I purchase bicarbonate soda and white vinegar as my ‘other’ cleaning supplies if needed and always have Lemon, Orange and Eucalyptus oil on hand. They’re cheap too! My cleaning expenses have more than halved! I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it.
If you’d love the goodness of Thieves Household Cleaner in your home, click on the link below to purchase your Premium Starter Kit or Basic Starter Kit and add THC (426ml or 1.8ltr) to your order.
Happy Spring Cleaning!
Mumma O x