Raw White Christmas Recipe
I love White Christmas. I love the white chocolate version even. I’m not sure if it’s the actual slice or the memories it brings.
Isn’t it lovely how you can be taken back in time by eating, smelling or hearing something for many years previously and be frozen in that moment of reminiscing. I love it.
This is pretty awesome if you ask me. The Grapefruit and Orange Essential Oils completely compliment the flavour and make it just perfect. If you don’t have Young Living Essential Oils, grated orange and grapefruit rind would suffice.
Raw White Christmas Recipe Double batch (because who ever wants to make a small slice?!) Ingredients: 4 x cups raw cashews 4 x cups desiccated coconut 1 cup hemp seeds (optional) 1 cup pepita seeds 1/2 cup crushed pistachios 1 cup cranberries 1/4 cup goji berries/wolf berries 2/3 cup maple syrup God few splashes of coconut cream 3 tbsp melted coconut oil 10 drops each of Young Living Grapefruit Essential Oil and Orange Essential Oil (optional but totally makes it!) What next? Blitz the coconut and cashews together in small batches until sticky. Place everything in a bowl and mix well. Pour into a large slice tray lined with baking paper and top with crushed pistachios or coconut. A sprinkle of sea salt also goes well in this as does a few tsp vanilla extract. Refrigerate for a few hours and then chop. Store in airtight container lined with baking a paper. 🎄Merry Christmas 🎄 xx